Pet Services
Looking for veterinary services in Glasgow, Ky?
Animal Clinic of Glasgow offers a wide range of veterinary services for pets in the following areas:
- Small Animal Services
- Preventative Health Care
- Specialized referral services
- Surgery
- Reproductive Services
- In clinic blood work
- Reference Laboratory
- Boarding
- Laser surgery
- Therapy laser
- Ultrasound
- Radiology
- Allergy testing
- Small animal dentistry
- Health care reminders
- Nutrition Programs
- Prescription pet foods
- Large Animal Services
- Preventative Health Care
- Specialized referral services
- Surgery
- Reproductive services
- In clinic blood work
- Reference Laboratory
- Boarding
- Laser surgery
- Therapy laser
- Ultrasound
- Radiology
- Farm Visits
- Hoof care for cattle
- Quick E.I.A Testing
- Complete Herd Health Consultation Services
- Large animal facilities at 2 locations